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The logic behind recurring charges

Logic 1

Will Arthur generate an extra rent at the end of the tenancy?

When the recurring was created at the beginning of the tenancy Arthur automatically sets the end date of the recurring as the end date of the tenancy. Assuming the  invoices on date  is set to generate rent on the start date of the next invoice period then no rent invoice will be generated after the end date of the tenancy



Logic 2

Will Arthur generate an extra rent at the end of the tenancy if I have been using invoice on date to create my rents earlier than the due date?

Arthur always looks at the invoice on date and if this has been set to generate rent before the next rent period then at the end of the tenancy a rent invoice will be generated as a result.





Logic 3

Will Arthur generate extra rent at the end of the tenancy if I have been using days in advance?

If days in advance is being used and the  invoice on date  has been set to generate on the start date of the next period then no rent will be generated at the end of the tenancy


  • The tenancy end date is 31st August and the next rent would have been due on the 1st September and the invoice on date is the 1st September
  • Rent in advance is 5 days

Then no rent will generate for the September period despite days in advance, because the recurring has switched off on the end date of the tenancy




Logic 4

Will Arthur continue to generate rent at the end of the tenancy if I have an automated switch to periodic setup?

The recurring charges will continue to generate  Understand automated tenancy switch


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