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How to undo a property owner remittance for Arthur only and Arthur/Xero users

Once you have created a remittance you may want to undo it because you want to make a change. . This result of undo is to:

  1. Un-allocate the linked transactions
  2. Void the remittance transaction

(scroll down for Xero users video)

For Arthur Users Only

Go to the remittance in Tenancies>Open/View a Tenant>Statement>Property Owner Statement>Undo Remittance

Next, select Confirm to undo. The transactions will reappear on the property owner statement.

For Xero users

Step 1:

Complete the above in Arthur. Follow the remaining steps only if you have run a sync to Xero since creating the Property Owner Remittance.

Step 2:

Go to your Xero account. The undo on Arthur will not automatically create the undo in Xero, so you will need to do this again in Xero

Initially, you must locate the remitted transaction in Xero. Once you select it, it will appear like this

Step 3:

Before you can void the remittance in Xero, you must remove all the associated transactions. These are highlighted below in the red box. From here, you select the ‘X’ on the bills and remove them as shown

Step 4:

Once you remove all the associated transactions, you are able to void the transaction in Xero. To do this, you select ‘Void Transaction’ from the ‘Overpayment Options’ highlighted below.

At this point, any changes can be done on either account and synchronization will once again make changes to both.


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