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Troubleshoot Tenancy issues in Xero

There are many reasons tenancies or tenants do not appear in Xero. This article will provide you with a few areas to check/things you can do to get the tenancies/tenants where they need to be.

Email Addresses 

Often a tenant will not go over to Xero if an email address has not been entered correctly. This may arise if there is an extra space somewhere in the email address, or if the email is missing an ‘@’ in the body. Quite often this is the reason a tenancy will not go across.

Archived Tenancies

You may have archived a tenancy record in Xero. For example, in Arthur you still have the tenancy, but it has been archived in Xero. To check this, in Xero click on ‘Contacts’ and then select ‘Tenants.’ This will show you the following screen.

We then click on the record that has been archived, and select restore as shown below.

Upon doing so the Contact/tenant will be restored

Syncing will now populate Xero.

Multiple tenants on one tenancy are not appearing in Xero 

If you have a tenancy with multiple tenants on it only the ‘Main Tenant’ and their information will go across.

As you can see below, currently only the main tenant will go over for the tenancy.

tenants xero contacts

Syncing on individual modes

You may be syncing on individual modes such as invoices, payments etc. This can sometimes prevent invoices from syncing through to Xero. If a tenant contact has not already been synced to Xero then running a sync on the mode ‘Invoice’ will not work. This is because there is no contact in Xero for the invoice to be assigned to. Therefore, when adding a new tenant, always run a sync on the mode ‘All’ to ensure that future invoices sync over into Xero.

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