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Happy Clients

"I only use Xero as it allows powerful automation, and Arthur is by far the best Xero integration I’ve seen"

Carrie Stokes Ltd



Sector focus

Accountant & Bookkeeper

Portfolio type

Letting agent, private

Using Arthur Online since

October 2018

Quote by Carrie Stokes, CEO at Carrie Stokes ltd

Arthur has saved us and our clients countless hours that would have been spent on reconciliation, general paperwork and reporting. We've now got so much more time to find new clients and focus on growing our practice.

Carrie Stokes CEO at Carrie Stokes ltd

Tell us about your business

We are an accountancy practice based in Shropshire.

Over 50% of our clients are property managers; from small “accidental” landlords to private professional landlords. We also work with two letting agents.

Last year our practice experienced a 26% growth, mainly through word-of-mouth and of course from being listed as an accredited adviser on Arthur.

As a landlord myself, I understand and relate to the challenges my clients face.

What are your clients’ biggest operational challenges?

Making tax digital and getting people on platforms that work.

We recommend Arthur to all our property manager clients as its one of the only solutions that’s fully integrated with Xero. This makes it easy to be compliant with new HMRC regulations.

Another major challenge faced by landlords is keeping track of paperwork and record keeping; notes on tenant maintenance issues, invoices for repairs, leases etc. it can easily spiral out of control.

How has Arthur helped overcome these challenges?

What Arthur offers is a central platform. One of the biggest challenges is when clients have a de-centralised system.

I had one client that had a mixed portfolio which was managed on an Excel spreadsheet, each part of the portfolio was run by a different person, so the danger of miscommunication and error was greater.  With Arthur, those issues disappear as everything is on one platform and synchronised.

Arthur’s integration with Xero also allows clients to clearly see the profitability of their portfolio. The integration allows them to monitor the business, for example how much has been made from Airbnb etc. Clients can use this information to drive business decisions, e.g. let a greater portion of their units on Airbnb as it’s generally more profitable than traditional ASTs.

Arthur also keeps an audit trail of all financial activity, so clients can identify and track profitability by property. Everything is in one place, so it makes the management of the property easier.

What add-on features do you find most useful?

The integration with Xero is very useful. I only use Xero as it allows powerful automation, and Arthur is by far the best Xero integration I’ve seen. Letting agents who use Arthur save so much time. For me, Arthur is a no brainer.

How did your clients find the onboarding process?

My clients have been impressed, they’ve been on Arthur’s training days, which has really helped them get the most out of the system. From personal experience, it’s best to let the Arthur team set the systems up for you.

Your clients have been using Arthur for a while now, what do you think of their ongoing customer support?

I know that the clients are very happy with the support from Arthur, particularly when it comes to integrations. For most software there is very little support; if you do something wrong, you’re in the dark.

Arthur provides dedicated support to make sure you start on the best possible footing. On many occasions an Arthur representative was able to explain complex processes and personalise the systems for us to maximise efficiency.

How much have your clients’ businesses grown since they started using Arthur?

Client profitability has notably increased; using the additional information and insights provided by Arthur, clients have seen great improvements in portfolio returns.

How much time has using Arthur saved you and your team?

Arthur has saved us and our clients countless hours that would have been spent on reconciliation, general paperwork and reporting. We’ve now got so much more time to find new clients and focus on growing our practice.