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How to send a payment request to a tenant via adding or editing a transaction

Adding a transaction

This is for a scenario where you have a one off transaction for the tenant on the tenancy statement so a charge would need to be created manually

Step 1

Click on the tenancy button on the left hand side > click on the tenancy you wish to add this one off transaction to & you will directed to the page below:

Click on the ‘Add Transaction Button’

Step 2

You will then be directed to the ‘Add New Transaction’ page. Fill in all the gaps as you would normally add a transaction. If you are unsure of how to do this, please refer to the video above:

Ensure the ‘send payment request now’ box is ticked then click ‘Next’.

Step 3

You will then be directed to a page which you would then need to confirm if the correct email. If this is correct, click on ‘Save and send’. If the information is incorrect, you would need to cancel this and edit the tenant’s email before sending the payment request.

Step 4

Once you have done this, a payment request will be sent to the tenant via email or the tenant app.


Editing a transaction

This is for a scenario where you already have a transaction on the statement but have not sent the payment request to the tenant but you wish to do so.

Step 1

Go into the tenancy statement as per the picture below & click on the drop down arrow on the right hand side of the relevant transaction:

Step 2

Click on ‘edit transaction’

Step 3

Scroll down to the bottom for the edit transaction page & ensure you have the correct bank account before sending the payment request.

Ensure the ‘send payment request now’ box is ticked then click ‘Next’.

Step 4

You will then be directed to a page which you would then need to confirm if the correct email. If this is correct, click on ‘Save and send’. If the information is incorrect, you would need to cancel this and edit the tenant’s email before sending the payment request.

Step 5

Once you have done this, a payment request will be sent to the tenant via email or the tenant app.

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